Commercial & Advanced Commercial Photography 2016-17
Hello and welcome to Bowie Photography!!
This year we will be using blogger to publish and post all of our assignments on the internet.
To accomplish this we have to set up an account: Please follow the instructions carefully. Its important that you do each step correctly and that you remember all the vital information so you can get back to it later. For those of you who have already established a blog in Photoj, please make sure you can access it, and send me an email as described at the bottom. You may also want to rename your blog to something else, you cannot change the URL, but you can change the name. Another thing you might want to do is to revert all of your current posts to drafts, so they are not visible anymore except to you.
Here's how:
What you will need
· Internet access
· An Email account
First – Create a Blogger account
Open Safari - you can use Mozilla Firefox, but sometimes the interface between the Macintosh computers and Firefox can cause problems. Safari is the native internet browser for Macintosh, so its the one I recommend.
· Go to
· Click on the orange "Sign Up" box at the top right of your screen - if you have a gmail - this will be really easy because blogger is a gmail product.
In “Step One”
· Enter your email address
· Enter a password and WRITE IT DOWN
· Enter a display name – Do NOT use your full real name. To be safe, we will keep our blogs semi-anonymous - I recommend you do something like Firstname_lastinitial_blog, or something similar. No one can see this unless you leave your computer logged in on accident, but lets be safe.
· Enter the word verification
· Click on the “accept terms box, and hit continue·
· If there are any problems, they will show up in red.
Fix the problems
In “Step Two”
· In the blog title box, enter “first name’s Commercial (or Advanced Commercial) Photography Blog” (Ex Michael’s Commercial Photography Blog) - this is what will show up at the top of your blog - My blog is called Bowie Commercial & Advanced Commercial Photography.
· In the (URL) box, enter the same thing as the title, but with no spaces or apostrophe (Ex: michaelsjournalismblog) - this URL can be seen by anyone, so please keep it school appropriate.
· Hit “Check Availability”
· If it is available, hit continue. If it is not, select one of the suggestions, and then hit continue.
· Select a template and hit continue·
You did it!
If you are new to this program, you will need to practice making your first blog post, here's how:
Hit “Start Posting”
Type “Welcome to my blog” in the post subject line, and hit “Publish Now”
Click on “View Blog” to see the results.
Select and copy the web address (URL) of your new blog (ex:
Open your email - either gmail directly from blogger, or open the one you use (i.e. yahoo or hotmail)
Send an email with the following info to:
Subject : My blog
Full Name: ____
Paste URL here: ______
User Name: ________
Password: _______