Post a photo (edited in LIGHTROOM, shot in RAW) representing each of the following words:
1) Enchanted
2) Ghoulish
3) Chilling
4) Eerie
5) Ominous
6) Undead
7) Strange
8) **Your choice, must be Halloween related
Title each photo with the word used.
Studio Practice Shoot: DUE Friday October 13th
Post 5 images from your practice in the studio, they must be shot in RAW and edited in LIGHTROOM!
Post 5 images from your practice in the studio, they must be shot in RAW and edited in LIGHTROOM!
Double Exposure Shoot: DUE Friday October 13th
This assignment can be achieved using several different techniques, just make sure you have 5 well thought out and edited images to turn in.
I want to see your original images as well, for example, if you use two images to create your double exposure, I want you to turn in 3 images. That final image counts as one of your 5 total.
This assignment can be achieved using several different techniques, just make sure you have 5 well thought out and edited images to turn in.
I want to see your original images as well, for example, if you use two images to create your double exposure, I want you to turn in 3 images. That final image counts as one of your 5 total.
Ghostly Image Shoot: DUE Friday October 20th
Create a "ghostly" image using one of the following techniques or if you have an idea of your own, you may do that. The final image MUST have a "ghostly" theme. Have fun and be creative!!! If you are having trouble with ideas, Google is a great place to start, I have included some examples.
Set the theme to black and white. Shoot a creepy location with a dramatic still effect. Then capture a portrait of a classmate (best to use the white back drop in class). You should have 2 images, one of the setting and one of the person.
Open both images in Photoshop, using your creepy setting as one layer and the portrait as another layer.
Remove the portrait photo from its background in Photoshop using the magnetic lasso, set it as a new layer in the background and adjust its opacity. Then use the blur effect to create the ghostly effect that you wanted to achieve.
You may also try a long exposure for a "ghostly" image, although you will need to have little to no light so your image is not over exposed. Pick your setting and open your shutter while in "bulb" and have someone move in/out of the frame with the shutter still open.
The blur techniques that you used in your motion assignment are other techniques you could use to create a "ghostly" image.
Post 3 different Ghostly Images edited in Lightroom
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Shoot: DUE Friday October 20th
Yes another self portrait assignment! I want you to take 2 different photos of yourself (yes, YOU have to take the photo!) and I want you to merge them together like the examples below. Each photo should represent 2 aspects of your personality, the photos should be shot in RAW and edited in Lightroom before merging them together. You may do a full body shot or a head shot, that is up to you! You will turn in 3 images, your 2 self portraits and the merged photo.
Not possible for you youngins to do this yet but a cool idea for the future if you take a self portrait of yourself now, then later on in life see how you have changed!
This is not 2 photos merged together but one photo, but it gives you the same effect if you choose to go this route.
First Studio Shoot: DUE Friday October 27th
This is your first assignment in the studio, YAY!! You make work in groups of 2 or 3, or you may work solo. You need to schedule studio time with me, do not put this off until the last minute!! You get to choose the theme of this shoot so have fun and be creative! If you need help with ideas please let me know, as always, Google and Pintrest are your best places to start browsing ideas. You will be submitting 10 edited photos.
This is your first assignment in the studio, YAY!! You make work in groups of 2 or 3, or you may work solo. You need to schedule studio time with me, do not put this off until the last minute!! You get to choose the theme of this shoot so have fun and be creative! If you need help with ideas please let me know, as always, Google and Pintrest are your best places to start browsing ideas. You will be submitting 10 edited photos.
Free Shoot: DUE Wednesday November 1st
This can be shot in or outside of the studio, it must be well planned!! This is not a "go out and shoot random pictures" assignment. You must have a THEME! It may be an event type shoot if you choose but it must tell me the story from beginning to end. You will turn in 5 well edited photos.
This can be shot in or outside of the studio, it must be well planned!! This is not a "go out and shoot random pictures" assignment. You must have a THEME! It may be an event type shoot if you choose but it must tell me the story from beginning to end. You will turn in 5 well edited photos.