Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Precision Exam--2nd Semester

Today you will be taking a test that is required by CTE so we get funding to support our lab and our program.

Please go to the following link:

Click on the STUDENT drop down and create a new account under registration.

Once you complete the student registration you should be able to log-in and input the following information to take the exams:

Commercial Photo I (3rd and 7th)

3rd Period: W8KH5AXY
7th Period: LWMPWBHD

Commercial Photo II (8th)

8th Period: A8CBHBWF

Please do your best on these exams. The scores will not count on your record.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Commercial Photography II 6th 6 weeks

We will be doing things a little differently this 6 weeks, you will be creating your assignments! I really want you to take advantage of this opportunity to complete assignments that you have always wanted to try. Check out the websites below (or any other inspirations you have found elsewhere) and figure out your game plan.

Assignment Plans Due April 13th

List out all of your assignment plans (there should be 3) for the 6 weeks in a blog post. I want to know what inspired you, where you will be taking the photos, who your models will be, what equipment you will need, etc.

Assignment # 1 Due April 20th

Be sure to title this assignment on your Assignment Plans blog post.

Picking your Images Due April 27th

Post the 3 images you intend to print for the print show. I want to know what category they will be entered in, what type of paper you will use and why you chose that image.

Assignment #2 Due May 4th

Be sure to title this assignment on your Assignment Plans blog post.

Photographer Essay Due May 11th

Pick a photographer that you felt inspired by this 6 weeks and write a 1.5-2 page essay about that photographer and why they inspired you. Include 3-5 images from the photographer as well.

Assignment # 3 Due May 18th

Monday, April 2, 2018

Commercial Photography I 6th 6 weeks

I suggest you work ahead of schedule, remember you will be working on your print show images at the same time and that will take more time than you think!!

Open Studio Shoot and Free Shoot Plans Due April 13th

Post 3 inspirational photos for your next open studio shoot and your free shoot! What day will you be shooting? Who is your model? What do you need to bring to pull this off? Etc? Answer these questions for BOTH SHOOTS

Minimalist Photography Due April 20th

Post 5 photos using a minimalist style

Picking your Images Due April 27th

Post the 3 images you intend to print for the print show. I want to know what category they will be entered in, what type of paper you will use, the size and why you chose that image. You will print 2 8x10s and 1 11x14.

Open-This should be your best image if you want to enter this category

Enhanced Velvet

Open Studio Shoot Due May 4th

You may do this shoot alone or you may work in groups, it is totally up to you! Please post a minimum of 5 images from your shoot, be sure to book with me in advance!

Silhouettes  Due May 18th

Post 3 images using creative silhouettes

Free Shoot DUE MAY 23rd

Post 5 images from your free shoot

FINAL (your 3 printed/mounted images) DUE MAY 23rd: THIS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE