Thursday, October 29, 2015

Commercial Photography Assignment Oct. 29th/30th

Commercial Photography Halloween AssignmentOctober 29th/30th


Create a "ghostly" image using one of the following techniques or if you have an idea of your own, you may do that. The final image MUST have a "ghostly" theme. Have fun and be creative!!! If you are having trouble with ideas, Google is a great place to start, I have included some examples.

Set the theme to black and white. Shoot a creepy location with a dramatic still effect. Then capture a portrait of a classmate (best to use the white back drop in class). You should have 2 images, one of the setting and one of the person.
Open both images in Photoshop, using your creepy setting as one layer and the portrait as another layer. 
Remove the portrait photo from its background in Photoshop using the magnetic lasso, set it as a new layer in the background and adjust its opacity. Then use the blur effect to create the ghostly effect that you wanted to achieve.
**The sub has my Photoshop book if you have any trouble with these tools, or you can look up tutorials online.
You may also try a long exposure for a "ghostly" image, although you will need to have little to no light so your image is not over exposed. Pick your setting and open your shutter while in "bulb" and have someone move in/out of the frame with the shutter still open. 
The blur techniques that you used in your motion assignment are other techniques you could use to create a "ghostly" image.
Have a safe and fun Halloween photographers! 
-Coach Henry

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