Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Commercial Photography- Composition

Composition- DUE Friday September 16th
Formal Assignment:
Create 2 sets of photographs demonstrating each of the following compositional elements. Shoot the first set of images at any distance to subject. (Total of 10 images)

Shoot a second set of images; these can be completely different subject matter. Set your lens to manual focus. Move in as close to your subject as your lens will allow while retaining a sharp focus, then move towards and away from subject slightly and select the final focus area to get a closer-up image. Remember to keep important subject areas in focus and shoot a second set of composition examples. (Total of 10 images)

1.        Rule of thirds
2.        Leading line/Perspective/Diagonal lines
3.        Vertical lines
4.        S-curves
5.        Balance (both symmetrical and asymmetrical)
6.        Light as the subject (do not include the light source, but rather the effects of this light)
7.        Contrast of content (visual or cognitive tension)
8.        Circular composition
9.        Rhythm
1.     Frame in a frame

Strive to create interesting photographs. Compose these images carefully, paying close attention to camera angle, distance, and lighting. Simplify your designs when possible, and be sure watch the edges of the frame…  [total of 20 images]

Submit all 20 photos on your blog before class 

Grading…will be based on following all directions and on the “5 C’s” of good photography – Color, Contrast, Composition, Content, and Credibility. 

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