Tales of Light Papers (Yes you have TWO of them) The first one is due November 17th and the second one is due November 28th.
Write a 1-2 page paper double spaced for two episodes of your choosing in the second season (you already watched season one).
Please include the following:
Was there a photographer you really liked? Why or why not?
What was your favorite(s) location/event photographed? Explain.
Did you learn anything from the photographers? If so, what?
Was here anything that surprised you from the episodes? New information?
Any additional information you would like to include?
Business card and leave behind due November 30th
Create 1 business card and 1 leave behind for your photography business, this means you must come up with a business name and a logo for your cards. You may create the cards using Photoshop or websites such as Vistaprint or Shutterfly if you want. You do not have to purchase them, I just need to see a jpg of the cards (front and back!).
Harris Shutter Effect due December 5th
You will be turning in one completed image (more if you would like to)
Please come see me if you have any questions
Updated website due December 8th
We will go over this criteria after Thanksgiving in class
Holiday photos due December 12th.
You must submit at least 5 photos
Print show photos due, printed and mounted, December 12th
3 photos each, must be at least 8x10 but ultimately the size is your choice.
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