Once you've got your photos on your computer open them both in Photoshop.
Have the profile photo on top and using the Move tool (hit the v key on your keyboard) drag your profile onto the main photo.
Make sure that the profile layer is selected in the layers palette and change it's opacity to about 50% so that you can see the main photo underneath.
Select the entire layer by either hitting the ctrl+a keys or you can do it the long way and click select on the menu bar and then choose all.
Then hit ctrl+t (or choose edit in the menu bar and then select "free transform) to transform the layer. Hold down the shift key so that you keep the correct proportions then click and drag the corner to resize the photo. While still in free transform mode click on the photo itself (don't click the very center) to drag it and position it where you want it. Once you've got the size and position you want hit enter.
De-select (get rid of the marching ants around your photo) the layer by hitting ctrl+d (figure out the long way yourself.)
Change the opacity of the layer back to 100% or something you like better.
Make sure the profile layer is still selected in the layers palette
Click the "Add Vector Mask" icon on the bottom of the layers palette.
Make sure that the white box next to your profile photo in the layers palette is selected and then choose the brush tool.
You want to use a brush with soft edges.
Make sure black is the color you have selected and then paint over the areas you want to get rid of.
As you get closer to your head, change the opacity of the brush to around 40 to give the impression that the photos fade into each other.
Crop your photo if you want and you've got your finished 80s style double exposure photo.
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