Thursday, January 4, 2018

Advanced Commercial Photography 4th 6 Weeks

Mixed Media Portraits DUE January 19th

You will be producing an 8x10 portrait using old and new photographs. I can help you with printing for this project and if you bring your materials, this can be something you can easily complete in class. I also have a scanner in the classroom you may use.

David Hockney Photo DUE January 26th

David Hockney was a famous painter and photographer, specializing in a cubism style. I want you to take three of your photographs (new or old) and create a Hockney style photo with it. Below is a tutorial on how to create this effect, although there are several other ways you can go about this technique.

Mixed Media Open DUE January 30th

I want you each to produce 1 8x10 image using mixed media. I can help you with printing for this project and if you bring your materials, this can be something you can easily complete in class. I also have a scanner in the classroom you may use.

Video Project DUE January 30th

Photographers and videographers go hand in hand so this semester we will be adding several video assignments. You will be creating a short film of your choosing so be creative and have fun with it! The video needs to be 3-5 minutes long with audio and we will be showing these in class. You may work alone or in a group of 2-3. You all are already very familiar with composition rules, which apply to video as well, but take a look at these 2 sites to help guide you on video composition and how it can differ from still photography.

Group STUDIO Shoot DUE February 2nd Team up with two other students (making teams of 3 please), and start brainstorming ideas you have for this shoot. You need to prepare a theme, think about who your models will be, and start planning when you can get this done. BE CREATIVE!!

On your blogs please create a new post that includes the following information:

1. Who is on your 3 person team?
2. What is your theme? Include in this any props, costumes, etc you will need to acquire or create to get this shoot done.
3. Who will your models be?
4. How quickly can you be ready to shoot?
5. Finally, supply at least 3 example images you find on the internet that are at least close to your ideas.

Free Shoot (kind of!) Due February 5th

Check out the following website and develop a shoot/project from one of the ideas shown. I am open to suggestions if you have another idea in mind after looking at the website but you must discuss it with me first.


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