Thursday, September 10, 2015

Adv. Comm. Assignment 2

Advanced Commercial Photography
Assignment 2: Reflectors 

Research the proper use of reflectors:

You will need to produce 5 images in artificial light using a reflector and 5 images in natural light using reflectors. 10 portraits total

Each portrait image needs to have a different background/location/pose but may use the same person. 

Submit photos on your blog BEFORE CLASS on September 25th, we will critique that day. 

Comm. Photo. Assignment 2

Commercial Photography Assignment 2:
Basic Exposure


Camera, tripod                    

Formal Assignment:
The Basic Exposure Constant (BEC), is an exposure calculation system based on analyzing the sun and shadow conditions. It is a method for measuring light without an electronic meter.

Shoot outside during daylight hours as this system is less reliable at dawn or sunset.

Using a tripod, compose interesting images in 4 different lighting conditions (see BEC hand out for categories).

For each of the four lighting conditions, make four exposures in the following order…

1.       Using the starting BEC settings
2.       Equivalent exposure #1 (1-stop wider aperture with 1-stop faster shutter)
3.       Equivalent exposure #2 (1-stop smaller aperture with 1 stop slower shutter)
4.       According to your camera meter

[total of 16 images]
Record the exposure info on the accompanying Exposure Tracking Sheet.

Remember to use a tripod so that the camera remains stationary for each group of photos. Framing should be identical for each series.

To use the BEC effectively remember to:

1. Select an appropriate ISO to the brightness of the lighting condition, then keep the same ISO throughout the entire suite of 4 images. You may change ISO’s for each of the various lighting conditions.’

2. Set the shutter speed to be the reciprocal of the ISO.

3. Select the f/stop based on the lighting as described on the BEC chart.


16-Jpeg images representing 4 different lighting situations. Select these 16 images and place on your blog.

A day due on September 24th, we will be presenting that day.
B day due on September 25th, we will be presenting that day. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Adv. Comm. Assignment 1

Advanced Commercial Photography
Assignment 1: Documentary Portraiture

Client: Magazine of your choosing
Assignment:  10 Digital Image Finals \ 200 Roughs
Criteria: After speaking to your subject, decide what magazine a series of portraits would be featured in.  Choose a magazine that fits with their interests.  These are documentary portraits, the photos need to tell about the subject without words.
Requests: You need to get to know your subject well. It should not look like you took the photos at one session or over one day.  Do not make the photos boring!  You need to find and express what is interesting about your subject. Finding what it is and how to make in exciting in photos is the challenge of the assignment.
Cover Shot Studio Portraits – Create 4 finals \ 100 roughs as extra images shot in the studio for cover options of the magazine.  Make sure the look fits the theme of your other photos.  Variety is key for cover photo.

Critique: Thursday September 17th, submit final photos on your blog BEFORE CLASS.

Comm. Assignment 1

Commercial Photography Assignment 1: Style

Pick a photographer that you admire, they can be well known or someone local. Research the photographer you have chosen and write a 3 page paper (double spaced, 12pt Times New Roman or Courier New font). The paper should include the background of the photographer, their style and why you chose them. Submit the paper via Google Drive to Coach Henry.

You will also need to choose 3 of their photos to recreate. Submit all 6 photos on your blog.

Due dates:

A day students are due September 10th, present in front of the class on the 14th.
B day students are due September 11th, present in front of the class on the 15th.