Tuesday, November 28, 2017


9 Elements Assignment (9 images total)

Take a different photograph at the SAME LOCATION depicting these elements:

  • Light
  • Shadow
  • Line
  • Shape
  • Form
  • Texture
  • Color
  • Size
  • Depth
Claudia, Jackie and Violet's Assignment to replace Kocurek Photos

Take 15 abstract/unique photographs of the SAME OBJECT

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Commercial Photography I, II & Practicum

I am so proud of all of you and the work you have accomplished so far this year! Here is a check list before the break to keep you on track!

Commercial Photography I

  1. Complete the Precision exam for your class. You must first register for the test (then I have to approve it, email me if I am not in class). Then you may take the actual exam, it is a completion grade so please do the best you can.
  2. Complete any zeros from the first 2 6 weeks that have had a negative impact on your grade (meaning, you failed) I will not accept any work from the 1st 2 6 weeks after the break. Come see me Monday/Tuesday if you updated stuff that I need to grade. 
  3. Work on assignments for the current 6 weeks, DO NOT FALL BEHIND
  4. Most importantly, HAVE A GREAT BREAK! 

Commercial Photography II

  1. Complete the Precision exam for your class. You must first register for the test (then I have to approve it, email me if I am not in class). Then you may take the actual exam, it is a completion grade so please do the best you can.
  2. Please complete the following form, https://goo.gl/forms/ceSs6CzT3hJn9xQq1 You must be logged on to your school drive to have access. 
  3. Complete any zeros from the first 2 6 weeks that have had a negative impact on your grade (meaning, you failed) I will not accept any work from the 1st 2 6 weeks after the break. Come see me Monday/Tuesday if you updated stuff that I need to grade. 
  4. Work on assignments for the current 6 weeks, DO NOT FALL BEHIND
  5. Most importantly, HAVE A GREAT BREAK! 

  1. Edit photos for the movie poster and take to the graphic design kids ASAP
  2. Edit/Send out holiday photos to your clients 
  3. Clean up/put up the studio Friday
  4. Take home all props from holiday and fall shoots
  5. Work on assignments for the current 6 weeks, DO NOT FALL BEHIND
  6. Most importantly, HAVE A GREAT BREAK!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Commercial Photography I AND II

Today you will be taking a test that is required by CTE so we get funding to support our lab and our program.

Please go to the following link:


Click on the STUDENT drop down and create a new account under registration.

Once you complete the student registration you should be able to log-in and input the following information to take the exams:

Commercial Photo I (3rd and 7th)

3rd Period: PVJSLBDM
7th Period: WADBCAV9

Commercial Photo II (8th)

8th Period: PEBDFACD

Please do your best on these exams. The scores will not count on your record, you will get a chance to take them again, and I will be providing lessons to help your success rate on this test. This is a pre-test and we need a baseline on what I need to teach you to be successful on future attempts.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Commercial Photography I

Into to Long Exposures due November 17th

We will do more night photgraphy next semester so this will just start to give you an idea of how to do long exposures if you have not done one before.


Post 3 images, they can be of anything you want. Post your settings above each image (including how long of exposure you did)

The link below will give you some jumping off points and pointers to get you started.


Portrait shoot with outdoor lighting, 10 images total  due December 1st

They can be of whoever you want, multiple locations if you want. They just need to be portraits taken outside.

Holiday Prompt Shoot due December 1st

Produce one image each using the following words for inspiration:


Macro shoot, 5 images total due December 8th

This will be done in class with my macro lenses, so you need to plan ahead and come to class prepared to shoot this assignment.



Flashback studio portraits, 1 portrait due December 8th

This will be done in class so make sure you schedule studio time and COME PREPARED.Most importantly, have fun with these!!

Tales by Light episodes due December 8th

Studio Shoot, 7 images EACH FINAL due December 13th


  1. Emerson, Brianna, Jed and Kaitlyn-- November 30th after school
  2. Nicole, Charlie, Dylan and Camryn--December 7th after school
  3. Sam, John, Andrea, Gabby and Bailee--December 8th during 7th
  4. Jake, Olivia, Delainey and Maddi--November 14 during 7th
  5. Preston, Madeleine, Annika and Rachel -- November 28th during 7th

  1. Gail, Peyton, Lucien, Ashlin and Julia--December 1st during 3rd period
  2. James, Taylor, Stanley and Ayden--December 8th at 7:30am
  3. Daniela, Jackson, Reagan, Michael and Emmett--November 29th during 3rd period
  4. Erika, Nyah, Liz and Kathryn--December 6th during 3rd period
  5. Victoria, Max, Eugene, Natalia and Sophie--November 30th at 8:00am

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Commercial Photography II

Tales of Light Papers (Yes you have TWO of them) The first one is due November 17th and the second one is due November 28th.

Write a 1-2 page paper double spaced for two episodes of your choosing in the second season (you already watched season one).

Please include the following:

Was there a photographer you really liked? Why or why not?
What was your favorite(s) location/event photographed? Explain.
Did you learn anything from the photographers? If so, what?
Was here anything that surprised you from the episodes? New information?

Any additional information you would like to include?

Business card and leave behind due November 30th

Create 1 business card and 1 leave behind for your photography business, this means you must come up with a business name and a logo for your cards. You may create the cards using Photoshop or websites such as Vistaprint or Shutterfly if you want. You do not have to purchase them, I just need to see a jpg of the cards (front and back!).

Harris Shutter Effect due December 5th
You will be turning in one completed image (more if you would like to)
Please come see me if you have any questions


Updated website due December 8th

We will go over this criteria after Thanksgiving in class

Holiday photos due December 12th.
You must submit at least 5 photos

Print show photos due, printed and mounted, December 12th
3 photos each, must be at least 8x10 but ultimately the size is your choice.

Tales by Light *multiple episodes

We will be watching several episodes of Tales by Light throughout the year, please answer the following questions for EACH EPISODE that we watch. Each question should be answered in 3-5 sentences.

Who is the photographer and what do they photograph?
What did you find the most interesting about this episode?
What did you learn from this episode?
Where does this episode take place? Did you like the location? Why?
Why is this work important?