Friday, December 1, 2017

Flashback Portrait Tutorial

 Once you've got your photos on your computer open them both in Photoshop.

Tutorial 1

Have the profile photo on top and using the Move tool (hit the v key on your keyboard) drag your profile onto the main photo.

Tutorial 2 copy

Make sure that the profile layer is selected in the layers palette and change it's opacity to about 50% so that you can see the main photo underneath.

Tutorial 3 copy

Select the entire layer by either hitting the ctrl+a keys or you can do it the long way and click select on the menu bar and then choose all.

Then hit ctrl+t (or choose edit in the menu bar and then select "free transform) to transform the layer. Hold down the shift key so that you keep the correct proportions then click and drag the corner to resize the photo. While still in free transform mode click on the photo itself (don't click the very center) to drag it and position it where you want it. Once you've got the size and position you want hit enter.

Tutorial 4 copy

De-select (get rid of the marching ants around your photo) the layer by hitting ctrl+d (figure out the long way yourself.)
Change the opacity of the layer back to 100% or something you like better.
Make sure the profile layer is still selected in the layers palette 
Click the "Add Vector Mask" icon on the bottom of the layers palette.
Make sure that the white box next to your profile photo in the layers palette is selected and then choose the brush tool.
You want to use a brush with soft edges. 
Make sure black is the color you have selected and then paint over the areas you want to get rid of. 
As you get closer to your head, change the opacity of the brush to around 40 to give the impression that the photos fade into each other.

Tutorial 5 copy

Crop your photo if you want and you've got your finished 80s style double exposure photo.

Tutorial 6

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


9 Elements Assignment (9 images total)

Take a different photograph at the SAME LOCATION depicting these elements:

  • Light
  • Shadow
  • Line
  • Shape
  • Form
  • Texture
  • Color
  • Size
  • Depth
Claudia, Jackie and Violet's Assignment to replace Kocurek Photos

Take 15 abstract/unique photographs of the SAME OBJECT

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Commercial Photography I, II & Practicum

I am so proud of all of you and the work you have accomplished so far this year! Here is a check list before the break to keep you on track!

Commercial Photography I

  1. Complete the Precision exam for your class. You must first register for the test (then I have to approve it, email me if I am not in class). Then you may take the actual exam, it is a completion grade so please do the best you can.
  2. Complete any zeros from the first 2 6 weeks that have had a negative impact on your grade (meaning, you failed) I will not accept any work from the 1st 2 6 weeks after the break. Come see me Monday/Tuesday if you updated stuff that I need to grade. 
  3. Work on assignments for the current 6 weeks, DO NOT FALL BEHIND
  4. Most importantly, HAVE A GREAT BREAK! 

Commercial Photography II

  1. Complete the Precision exam for your class. You must first register for the test (then I have to approve it, email me if I am not in class). Then you may take the actual exam, it is a completion grade so please do the best you can.
  2. Please complete the following form, You must be logged on to your school drive to have access. 
  3. Complete any zeros from the first 2 6 weeks that have had a negative impact on your grade (meaning, you failed) I will not accept any work from the 1st 2 6 weeks after the break. Come see me Monday/Tuesday if you updated stuff that I need to grade. 
  4. Work on assignments for the current 6 weeks, DO NOT FALL BEHIND
  5. Most importantly, HAVE A GREAT BREAK! 

  1. Edit photos for the movie poster and take to the graphic design kids ASAP
  2. Edit/Send out holiday photos to your clients 
  3. Clean up/put up the studio Friday
  4. Take home all props from holiday and fall shoots
  5. Work on assignments for the current 6 weeks, DO NOT FALL BEHIND
  6. Most importantly, HAVE A GREAT BREAK!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Commercial Photography I AND II

Today you will be taking a test that is required by CTE so we get funding to support our lab and our program.

Please go to the following link:

Click on the STUDENT drop down and create a new account under registration.

Once you complete the student registration you should be able to log-in and input the following information to take the exams:

Commercial Photo I (3rd and 7th)

3rd Period: PVJSLBDM
7th Period: WADBCAV9

Commercial Photo II (8th)

8th Period: PEBDFACD

Please do your best on these exams. The scores will not count on your record, you will get a chance to take them again, and I will be providing lessons to help your success rate on this test. This is a pre-test and we need a baseline on what I need to teach you to be successful on future attempts.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Commercial Photography I

Into to Long Exposures due November 17th

We will do more night photgraphy next semester so this will just start to give you an idea of how to do long exposures if you have not done one before.


Post 3 images, they can be of anything you want. Post your settings above each image (including how long of exposure you did)

The link below will give you some jumping off points and pointers to get you started.

Portrait shoot with outdoor lighting, 10 images total  due December 1st

They can be of whoever you want, multiple locations if you want. They just need to be portraits taken outside.

Holiday Prompt Shoot due December 1st

Produce one image each using the following words for inspiration:


Macro shoot, 5 images total due December 8th

This will be done in class with my macro lenses, so you need to plan ahead and come to class prepared to shoot this assignment.

Flashback studio portraits, 1 portrait due December 8th

This will be done in class so make sure you schedule studio time and COME PREPARED.Most importantly, have fun with these!!

Tales by Light episodes due December 8th

Studio Shoot, 7 images EACH FINAL due December 13th


  1. Emerson, Brianna, Jed and Kaitlyn-- November 30th after school
  2. Nicole, Charlie, Dylan and Camryn--December 7th after school
  3. Sam, John, Andrea, Gabby and Bailee--December 8th during 7th
  4. Jake, Olivia, Delainey and Maddi--November 14 during 7th
  5. Preston, Madeleine, Annika and Rachel -- November 28th during 7th

  1. Gail, Peyton, Lucien, Ashlin and Julia--December 1st during 3rd period
  2. James, Taylor, Stanley and Ayden--December 8th at 7:30am
  3. Daniela, Jackson, Reagan, Michael and Emmett--November 29th during 3rd period
  4. Erika, Nyah, Liz and Kathryn--December 6th during 3rd period
  5. Victoria, Max, Eugene, Natalia and Sophie--November 30th at 8:00am

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Commercial Photography II

Tales of Light Papers (Yes you have TWO of them) The first one is due November 17th and the second one is due November 28th.

Write a 1-2 page paper double spaced for two episodes of your choosing in the second season (you already watched season one).

Please include the following:

Was there a photographer you really liked? Why or why not?
What was your favorite(s) location/event photographed? Explain.
Did you learn anything from the photographers? If so, what?
Was here anything that surprised you from the episodes? New information?

Any additional information you would like to include?

Business card and leave behind due November 30th

Create 1 business card and 1 leave behind for your photography business, this means you must come up with a business name and a logo for your cards. You may create the cards using Photoshop or websites such as Vistaprint or Shutterfly if you want. You do not have to purchase them, I just need to see a jpg of the cards (front and back!).

Harris Shutter Effect due December 5th
You will be turning in one completed image (more if you would like to)
Please come see me if you have any questions

Updated website due December 8th

We will go over this criteria after Thanksgiving in class

Holiday photos due December 12th.
You must submit at least 5 photos

Print show photos due, printed and mounted, December 12th
3 photos each, must be at least 8x10 but ultimately the size is your choice.

Tales by Light *multiple episodes

We will be watching several episodes of Tales by Light throughout the year, please answer the following questions for EACH EPISODE that we watch. Each question should be answered in 3-5 sentences.

Who is the photographer and what do they photograph?
What did you find the most interesting about this episode?
What did you learn from this episode?
Where does this episode take place? Did you like the location? Why?
Why is this work important?

Monday, October 30, 2017


Please review the Bowie Dispatch website and write about 2 stories that you found interesting, 3-5 sentences per story.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Commercial Photography I

Look at the following tutorials/cheat sheets, today we will be learning some portrait lighting techniques in the studio! You will be submitting one photo for each of the following lighting techniques with AND without fill (8 photos):

1) Rembrandt (short) *triangle under the eye
2) Split *one side in the shadow
3) Loop *similar to Rembrandt but the triangle loops/connects
4) Butterfly *shadow under the nose

Thursday, October 5, 2017


  1. Southwest Room Project Assignment-COMPLETED
  2. Portfolio Shoot 1 Due: October 13th
  3. Business Idea/Rough Draft of Plan Due: October 20th
  4. Grading/Choosing SW Room Pictures Due: October 27th
  5. Portfolio Shoot 2 Due: November 2nd
  6. Printing/Framing SW Room Pictures Due: November 2nd

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Commercial Photography II

Spooky Lightbox: DUE Friday October 13th

This is an open lightbox assignment, but it must have a "Spooky" theme!

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Shoot: DUE Friday October 13th

Yes another self portrait assignment! I want you to take 2 different photos of yourself (yes, YOU have to take the photo!) and I want you to merge them together like the examples below. Each photo should represent 2 aspects of your personality, the photos should be shot in RAW and edited in Lightroom before merging them together. You may do a full body shot or a head shot, that is up to you! You will turn in 3 images, your 2 self portraits and the merged photo.

Not possible for you youngins to do this yet but a cool idea for the future if you take a self portrait of yourself now, then later on in life see how you have changed!

This is not 2 photos merged together but one photo, but it gives you the same effect if you choose to go this route.

Southwest Room Shoot: DUE Friday October 20th

Cara, Magnus, Lauryn and Joe--MACRO
Sarah, Oliver, Ryan and Sway--PATTERN
Mia, Rachel and Ben--SWEETS
Lynsey, Bella and Abbie--ACTION

Things to think about:
  • hands in pictures must look presentable/match the color scheme
  • backgrounds should be specific and go with your theme
  • steer clear of yellow/orange since that is the primary color of the room
  • be specific with lighting
  • spraying certain foods with water helps them pop
  • wash food to look presentable
  • think advertisements!
  • talk about your food with your group so you photograph different things!
  • Composition-20PTs
  • Quality-20PTs
  • Creativity-20PTs
  • Sensory-20PTs
  • Followed directions-20PTs
First Draft of your Website DUE: Friday October 27th

Email me a link of your completed website

Fall/Halloween Shoot: DUE Friday November 3rd

October 17th- Rachel, Sarah and Joe
  • Sara's dog, costumes/props
October 19th- Ryan, Magnus and Mia
  • Flannery 
October 24th- Lauryn and Sway
  • Ms. Davis's son, fall
October 26th- Bella, Lynsey and Ben
  • Kopke and her 3.5yr old/fall shoot-no costumes
October 31st- Cara, Oliver and Abbie
  • Cara's dog, pumpkin costume
Choose your own/FREE Shoot: Due Friday November 3rd

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Commercial Photography I

Halloween Theme Shoot: DUE Friday October 6th

Post a photo (edited in LIGHTROOM, shot in RAW) representing each of the following words:

1) Enchanted
2) Ghoulish
3) Chilling
4) Eerie
5) Ominous
6) Undead
7) Strange
8) **Your choice, must be Halloween related

Title each photo with the word used.

Studio Practice Shoot: DUE Friday October 13th

Post 5 images from your practice in the studio, they must be shot in RAW and edited in LIGHTROOM!

Double Exposure Shoot: DUE Friday October 13th

This assignment can be achieved using several different techniques, just make sure you have 5 well thought out and edited images to turn in.

I want to see your original images as well, for example, if you use two images to create your double exposure, I want you to turn in 3 images. That final image counts as one of your 5 total.

Ghostly Image Shoot: DUE Friday October 20th

Create a "ghostly" image using one of the following techniques or if you have an idea of your own, you may do that. The final image MUST have a "ghostly" theme. Have fun and be creative!!! If you are having trouble with ideas, Google is a great place to start, I have included some examples.

Set the theme to black and white. Shoot a creepy location with a dramatic still effect. Then capture a portrait of a classmate (best to use the white back drop in class). You should have 2 images, one of the setting and one of the person.
Open both images in Photoshop, using your creepy setting as one layer and the portrait as another layer. 
Remove the portrait photo from its background in Photoshop using the magnetic lasso, set it as a new layer in the background and adjust its opacity. Then use the blur effect to create the ghostly effect that you wanted to achieve.
You may also try a long exposure for a "ghostly" image, although you will need to have little to no light so your image is not over exposed. Pick your setting and open your shutter while in "bulb" and have someone move in/out of the frame with the shutter still open. 
The blur techniques that you used in your motion assignment are other techniques you could use to create a "ghostly" image.

Post 3 different Ghostly Images edited in Lightroom

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Shoot: DUE Friday October 20th

Yes another self portrait assignment! I want you to take 2 different photos of yourself (yes, YOU have to take the photo!) and I want you to merge them together like the examples below. Each photo should represent 2 aspects of your personality, the photos should be shot in RAW and edited in Lightroom before merging them together. You may do a full body shot or a head shot, that is up to you! You will turn in 3 images, your 2 self portraits and the merged photo.

Not possible for you youngins to do this yet but a cool idea for the future if you take a self portrait of yourself now, then later on in life see how you have changed!

This is not 2 photos merged together but one photo, but it gives you the same effect if you choose to go this route.

First Studio Shoot: DUE Friday October 27th

This is your first assignment in the studio, YAY!! You make work in groups of 2 or 3, or you may work solo. You need to schedule studio time with me, do not put this off until the last minute!! You get to choose the theme of this shoot so have fun and be creative! If you need help with ideas please let me know, as always, Google and Pintrest are your best places to start browsing ideas. You will be submitting 10 edited photos. 

Free Shoot: DUE Wednesday November 1st

This can be shot in or outside of the studio, it must be well planned!! This is not a "go out and shoot random pictures" assignment. You must have a THEME! It may be an event type shoot if you choose but it must tell me the story from beginning to end. You will turn in 5 well edited photos. 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Practicum- Motion/Movement

You will be submitting 9 images total:

3 Stop motion
3 Blur motion
3 Choice/Creative

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Commercial Photography II AND Practicum

Pretty soon we will have a guest in the class to teach us how to do Tintypes! This is a process one of my college professors does all of the time and it is something I have always wanted to do and Mr. Reeves has a buddy who is going to help us out!

Before we actually do this, I want you to research the history and the process of Tintype, or Ferrotype, Photography. Please submit a 350-400 word essay on the history and the process. I also want you to post 10 images that you find online (new or old) of Tintype photography. Underneath each photo please write 1-2 sentences on why you picked that image. Finally I want you to tell me what you want your Tintype to look like, a portrait of who? What will they wear? Etc. Keep in mind that it will have to be taken in this classroom.

Here is a news article about my professor and his process:

And here is a video of his process: (fun fact: this is my old studio and darkroom in college!)


Commercial Photography I

I want you to take your first, of many, self portraits! You will submit 5 DIFFERENT self portraits, please have fun and let this portrait tell us something about you! Post these on your blog in a post titled "Self Portraits"

Some Inspiration/Tips:

Here is how to shoot with a self timer:


Monday, September 18, 2017

Out with BLEND in with BLOGS!

This year we will be using blogger to publish and post all of our assignments on the internet.
To accomplish this we have to set up an account: Please follow the instructions carefully. Its important that you do each step correctly and that you remember all the vital information so you can get back to it later.

Here's how:
What you will need
· Internet access
· An Email account

First – Create a Blogger account
Open Safari - you can use Chrome, but sometimes the interface between the Macintosh computers and Chrome can cause problems. Safari is the native internet browser for Macintosh, so its the one I recommend.
· Go to
· Click on the orange "Sign Up" box at the top right of your screen - if you have a gmail - this will be really easy because blogger is a gmail product.

In “Step One”
· Enter your gmail address
· Enter the password for your gmail
· Enter a display name – Do NOT use your full real name. To be safe, we will keep our blogs semi-anonymous - I recommend you do something like Firstname_lastinitial_blog, or something similar. No one can see this unless you leave your computer logged in on accident, but lets be safe.
· Enter the word verification
· Click on the “accept terms box, and hit continue·
· If there are any problems, they will show up in red.
Fix the problems

In “Step Two”
· In the blog title box, enter “first name’s Photojournalism Blog” (Ex Michael’s Photojournalism Blog) - this is what will show up at the top of your blog - My blog is called Bowie Photojournalism.
· In the (URL) box, enter the same thing as the title, but with no spaces or apostrophe (Ex: mattsphotojournalismblog) - this URL can be seen by anyone, so please keep it school appropriate.
· Hit “Check Availability”
· If it is available, hit continue. If it is not, select one of the suggestions, and then hit continue.
· Select a template and hit continue·

You did it!

Now make your first post on your new blog:

Hit “Start Posting”
Type “Welcome to my blog” in the post subject line, and hit “Publish Now”
Click on “View Blog” to see the results.

Select and copy the web address (URL) of your new blog

Open your personal gmail, not your school gmail and send an email with the following info to:

Subject : My blog
Full Name: ____
Paste URL here: ______

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

6th 6 Weeks

Advanced Commercial Photography

We will be doing things a little differently this 6 weeks, you will be creating your assignments! I really want you to take advantage of this opportunity to complete assignments that you have always wanted to try. Check out the websites below (or any other inspirations you have found elsewhere) and figure out your game plan. Here are the due dates for MAJOR AND MINOR grades.

MINOR GRADE: Assignment Plans Due April 19

List out all of your assignment plans (there should be 3) for the 6 weeks in a blog post. I want to know what inspired you, where you will be taking the photos, who your models will be, what equipment you will need, etc.

MAJOR GRADE: Assignment # 1 Due April 27

Be sure to title this assignment on your Assignment Plans blog post.

MINOR GRADE: Picking your Images Due April 28

Post the 3 images you intend to print for the print show. I want to know what category they will be entered in, what type of paper you will use and why you chose that image.

MAJOR GRADE: Assignment #2 Due May 11

Be sure to title this assignment on your Assignment Plans blog post.

MINOR GRADE: Photographer Essay Due May 16th

Pick a photographer that you felt inspired by this 6 weeks and write a 1.5-2 page essay about that photographer and why they inspired you. Include 3-5 images from the photographer as well.

MAJOR GRADE: Assignment # 3 Due May 19th

Monday, April 10, 2017

6th 6 Weeks

Commercial Photography

I suggest you work ahead of schedule, remember you will be working on your print show images at the same time and that will take more time than you think!!

MINOR GRADE: Open Studio Shoot Plan Due April 13th

Post 3 inspirational photos for your next open studio shoot! What day will you be shooting? Who is your model? What do you need to bring to pull this off?

MINOR GRADE: Minimalist Photography Due April 19

Post 5 photos using a minimalist style

MINOR GRADE: Picking your Images Due April 28

Post the 3 images you intend to print for the print show. I want to know what category they will be entered in, what type of paper you will use and why you chose that image.

MAJOR GRADE: Open Studio Shoot Due May 5th

You may do this shoot alone or you may work in groups, it is totally up to you! Please post a minimum of 5 images from your shoot, be sure to book with me in advance!

MAJOR GRADE: Night Photography Due May 12

You will be submitting 8 photos for this assignment, I want 2 each of the following:

1) Light Trails
2) Painting with Light
3) Moonlight as the only lightsource Full moon April 11 and May 10
4) Creative use of long exposure (steel wool, etc)

MINOR GRADE: Silhouettes  Due May 12th

Post 3 images using creative silhouettes


Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Advanced Commercial Photography

Funky Fashion Shoot--MAJOR Due March 3rd **Group Assignment**
Projector Shoot--MINOR Due March 10th
Changing the background--MINOR Due March 21st
Lightbox Product Shoot--MAJOR Due March 24th
Open Macro Shoot--MINOR Due March 31st
Free Shoot--MAJOR Due April 4th

Commercial Photography

Open Lightbox--MINOR Due March 1st
Austin Photos--MAJOR Due March 3rd
Projector Shoot--MINOR Due March 10th
Open Studio Shoot--MAJOR Due March 31st **Group Assignment**see list below
Free Shoot--MAJOR Due April 4th
Event Shoot--MINOR Due April 4th

4th Period Groups

  1. Madison, Alyssa, Kaiya and Rachel
  2. Cara, Magnus, Joe and Alexa
  3. Both Bellas, Leslie, and Sway
  4. Julia, Olivia and Luisa
8th Period Groups
  1. Sarah, Oliver and Kelsey
  2. Mia, Mauricio, Abby, and Lauryn
  3. April, Ben and Marissa
  4. Lynsey, Ellie and Ryan

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Advanced Commercial Photo--Open Lightbox Assignment

Here is the inspiration for your assignment next week:

There are lots of options for things to be placed on the box for this, initially I am thinking:

Cut up fruit arranged to look like stained glass
Dried flowers
Colored gel or tissue paper
Film negatives
Other suggestions welcome, have fun with this!!

Everyone will produce 3 images, edit them in Lightroom and post them on your blog next week. 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Commercial Photography: Studio Lighting

Today we will be shooting in the studio!! I will go over how to set up the lights and then let you all take a turn practicing taking pictures for your next assignment.

You will need to turn an example of each of the following using studio lights and a second set using fill lights (10 photos total):

1) Rembrandt
2) Butterfly
3) Split
4) Loop
5) Broad

Here are a couple of websites to give you an idea

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Advanced Commercial Photography

Please complete the survey using the following link, everyone needs to complete this TODAY.

Use your student ID and my last name (DOBRZENSKI) to log in

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Advance Commercial Photography - Thursday late start 1/12

Today should be the last day without Ms. D. in class. I hope you have your plan of attack for the outside shoot you have been assigned to model David Hockney. I will make sure that you have an opportunity to print the images on plain paper at worst and hopefully we can get them printed on photo paper. If you were inspired by this work and you want to get your images printed on your own, please feel free to do so. I hope to see at least a couple of these collage pieces in the print show.

Today I want you to spend some time thinking about your photography for the next year. I encourage you to push your photography to new levels. Find something and try it. Most of the fun tutorials available on websites like petapixel aren't that expensive and just take some trying on your part.

First check out this site and see what this author has to say about new years resolutions:

Then check out this one on what elements make up a great photo:

Now go to this one and pick at least three of these top-10 posts to read and digest internally:

On your blog please write a 3-4 paragraph reflective piece on your hopes as a photography in the coming year (or at least semester). You might reflect upon types of images you want to take, business goals you may have, internships you might be interested in, projects you want to work on/complete, etc. Really think about how photography plays a role in your life and how you can continue to grow as a photographer. the print show will be here before you know it. How many images have you taken so far that are worthy of being printed? How will you find more images to potentially enter?

Finally, I wanted to share the link on how to put an image onto wood (I mentioned this to you guys the other day).

It is my intention to help this project happen. I can help find wood and I will acquire the liquid elements needed. Your job will be to find an image that works for this project. I think the printing will take one class, and I can do that in my room because we need a laser printer. I think the rest will take a couple of classes to allow for drying time. Expect to create an image either 8x10, 8.5x11 or 11x17.

Commercial Photography - Portrait Inspirations 1/12, 1/13

Please click the link below to see some great portrait photographers from the past. Each has produced an iconic image that in many cases became their calling card in the photography world.

Read the story and look through all of the images, if you can watch the two videos please do so, then do the assignment listed below:

Pick three of the photographers and do a google search on them.

Write a brief biography about them based on what you read. Make this 2-3 paragraphs in length. Include name, education, published titles, inspirations, goals, employment, etc.

Post the portrait image they are famous for.

Next please use your previous knowledge to reflect upon the following items and write a couple of sentences about each item as it relates to the famous image each of these photographers is famous for:

What kind of lighting was in their famous image? Appropriate terms to think about - type of light (hard, soft, etc), direction of light, intensity of light, angle of the light, and how the light impacted the image.

Location where the image could have potentially been taken? Appropriate ideas include environmental or studio, or otherwise.

Camera Settings - what potential settings might have the photographer used in their camera to get this image?

Subject body position - was your photographer able to pose their subject, what kind of decisions might they have been making when doing so, if they were unable to pose them directly, where and how did they position themselves to get this image?

Clothing and props- was the clothing/props important to the image?

And finally composition - is there evidence of composition rules in your image? If so please list them and explain why you think that rule is evident.

Finally, pick 2 other images you found of their work that you like, save and post them on your blog. Write a couple of sentences for each explaining why you picked that image.

In the end you should have a fairly significant amount of writing under each image you post today and you should be posting 9 total images for 3 different photographers.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Advance Commercial Photography - Power Point finale 1/10

Today is your final day to finish the power point assigned last time. I would like for all of you to make one shift for me please. Switch your power point to a Google Slides. It won't be hard to do and that way you can make it a shareable link on your blogs instead of dealing with email to deliver your finished product to me.

When you finish your Google Slides creation, make sure you post it on your blog as a CLICKABLE link. If you do not know how to do this, ask around, others in class know how to do this.

Make sure you SHARE the Google Slide presentation properly so that anyone who has the link can VIEW it. If you are not sure how to do that, ask around, others know how to do this.

To check that it is shared properly, ask one of your friends to connect to your blog using the Commercial Photography blog links on the right hand side of this page. Easy. If they can connect there, you should be fine.

Next class we will be doing a final blog on a trio of topics. Ms. D. will be back next week and get caught up with you all and make sure you are all set for your next assignments.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Advance Commercial Photography

Today you will begin planning your first studio shoot of the 2nd semester. This one will be pretty open, so you will need to think about everything you did last semester and come up with a unique plan for this shoot.

Team up with two other students (making teams of 3 please), and start brainstorming ideas you have for this shoot. You need to prepare a theme, think about who your models will be, and start planning when you can get this done. BE CREATIVE!!

On your blogs please create a new post that includes the following information:

1. Who is on your 3 person team?
2. What is your theme? Include in this any props, costumes, etc you will need to acquire or create to get this shoot done.
3. Who will your models be?
4. How quickly can you be ready to shoot?
5. Finally, supply at least 3 example images you find on the internet that are at least close to your ideas.

Here are some thought provoking images for you to look at as you think:

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Commercial Photography Jan. 4th/5th

Welcome back! Hopefully everyone had a wonderful break!

We will start using studio lighting this semester so please do the following preview assignment:

Review the information on this website and complete the practice exercise for homework, you need at least one photo for each scenario (6 minimum, you may post more than one for each if you want)