Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Commercial Photography 4th 6 Weeks

File Formats DUE January 10th

Directions: Check the following link to read a discussion about the differences between a RAW file format and a JPEG file format.

Find the list of characteristics for each file type and answer the following questions:

What are three advantages of a RAW file:

What is one disadvantage of a RAW file: 

What are three advantages of a JPEG file:

What is one disadvantage of a JPEG file:

Read the following explanation about why photographers would shoot using RAW file format at the link below and answer the following questions:

1. Under the first heading "Capturing the Images," how much of the data does a RAW file retain after it is captured by the camera?

2. Under the second heading "Processing the Files," what are some of the things that a RAW file enables a photographer to edit after the image is taken?

3. Under the third heading "Practicalities," what are some of the factors that photographers must consider when deciding to shoot in RAW?

4. Under the fourth heading "Which one is for you?" why would an aspiring professional photographer need to know how to work with RAW files?

If you are interested in more about the two file formats - click these links below.

This one really shows you what the two files look like as the processing happens:

This one is just another comparison with pros and cons:

This one is a little "mathy" and goes into some detail about the RAW files themselves, but it has some good visuals:

Next up for our discussion is file formats. It is important that you understand the various types of file formats we will be using in class, which are appropriate for what, and what some of the problems you will run into if you use certain file formats.

Go take a peek at this website:

On your blog please answer the following questions:

1. Which file formats discussed have you used in the past?

2. What is the difference between a Raster and a Vector file?

The most common file formats we will use in class are .jpeg, .tiff, .psd, and either .dng (Canon) or .nef (Nikon)

Look up each and answer the following questions for each:

1. Is this format lossy or lossless?

2. What are common uses for each? By this I mean where would I publish each of them for the highest quality.

3. Can you create this type of file in your camera?

When everyone is finished we will continue our conversations of how Lightroom works with Raw files.

Free Shoot DUE January 17th

I want you to post 5-10 images for this assignment. There MUST be a theme of some sort, if you need inspiration or ideas please ask me or feel free to look at the advanced students blogs for ideas.

Painting Recreation DUE January 19th:

First go to these two websites and check them out:

I want you to pick out a famous painting and recreate it. I want you to go look at some paintings and post 3 of them that you might consider recreating so I have an idea of how I can help you complete this task. I am open to similar concepts if you have one in mind, so please approach me if you want to talk about an alternative assignment. Obviously there are nudes in the famous paintings list, so please plan accordingly and don't choose one of those....thanks!!

Here are some links to help you in your search:

On your blog please complete the following:

Post the three paintings that you picked that you might want to recreate.
Under each please answer the following questions:

Where is the light coming from?
How can you duplicate that light?
What other non-clothing elements appear in the painting that you will need to duplicate?
What kind of angles did the painter use to compose the image?
What clothing will you need to acquire/create to duplicate the painting?
Who would be a good model?
List the details you see in the painting, specifically the things the model will be wearing, poses they will need to hold, etc?
What will be the three most difficult things to duplicate, in your opinion?

Portraits DUE January 26th

Using inspiration from the tips below, I want you to post 5 different portraits on your blog.

Bokeh Effect DUE February 2nd **We will be doing this IN CLASS the week of Jan 22nd-26th

Check out the following tutorials and post 5 images using the Bokeh technique on your blog.

Funny Portraits/Self Portraits DUE February 5th

This assignment MUST be shot in the studio so plan accordingly and schedule time with me. Check out the link below for some inspiration. You must post at least 1 portrait and 1 self portrait, they can have similar ideas but must be different from each other.

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