Wednesday, February 14, 2018

(Advanced) Commercial Photography II

Funny Portraits and Self Portraits DUE: February 23rd

Take one portrait and one self portrait using the following post as inspiration, may be shot in or outside of the studio

Photoshoot in an Obscure Place: Due March 2nd

Using this post as inspiration, I want you to shoot an assignment in an obscure place. You must turn in at least 8 photos and tell me where you shot them, include an out take that shows your location!

Funky Fashion Shoot DUE: March 9th

You will be placed in groups and each group will draw 3 random items. You then must do a fashion shoot using at least 2 of the 3 items you are given. Think like you are shooting for a magazine, you will need cover shots (2 of them) in addition to shots inside the magazine. You must turn in at least 7 images.

Action Assignment DUE: March 9th

I want you to turn in 6 photos total for this assignment, you must have at least 1 each of the following, the other 2 are up to you.

  1. Requirement 1: Freeze the action. Take at least one photo with a very short shutter speed to capture your subject during a split second in time. You'll need lots of light for this, so try this outdoors during the day. If you happen to have a very strong flash, you can also use it to freeze the action when there is less available light.
  2. Requirement 2: Show the action by blurring the foreground. Take at least one photo that uses motion blur to give a sense of how your subject moves. The main subject of the photograph should be motion blurred, but the background should be sharp.
  3. Requirement 3: Show the action by blurring the background. Take at least one photo with a sharp subject and a motion blurred background. (One way to do this is is to keep a moving object centered in your viewfinder as it passes you by panning the camera to match its speed. This takes some patience and practice, but it's worth the effort once you get it right!)
  4. Requirement 4: Show the action with a burst. Take a burst of photos (at least 3) one after another quickly, so that it shows a progression and tells a short story. Many cameras have a burst mode to make this easier. Once you've taken your action sequence, you should combine the burst of photographs into a single image using Photoshop or similar. Your combination could be as simple as placing all of the photos side-by-side into one larger photo, or it could be a blend of the photos, or it could be something fancier. The choice is yours!

Prompt Shoot DUE: March 23rd

Please take 8 photos using the following prompts, you may choose to do all 8 from 1 prompt (MUST  BE DIFFERENT PHOTOS) or 1 photo for 8 prompts, etc.

  1. Night and Day
  2. Good vs Evil
  3. Elements (water, air, fire, earth)
  4. Reflecions
  5. Painting Nature
  6. Literature
  7. Rustic
  8. Machine/Metal
  9. Eras/Retro
  10. Memories/Remembrance 
  11. Distortion
  12. Surrealism/Fantasy/Illusions
  13. Perspective
  14. Collage
  15. Editorial
  16. Shadows
  17. Pop Culture

6 Pictures Same Location: DUE March 28th 

Use the following post as inspiration, obviously this will not be over a 12 year span, but I challenge you to pick a location and shoot it multiple different days/times/weather conditions and produce 6 images total to post on your blog.